Changes - Version - 24 Oktober 2012
- Fixed error line focus dissapearing when moving focus on the same line.
- The window caption now shows more information, like the debugging/compiling/executing status.
- Fixed compilation failing when the compilation progress window is hidden.
- CPU Window now updates faster.
- One can now properly use Replace in Files to replace files not yet opened.
- Upgraded the variable finder.
- Added a find count to the bottom of the find output list.
- Debug evaluation now hints the user when it contains old potentially invalid data.
- When trying to debug, Dev-C++ now suggests to compile, instead of showing an error that the source isn't compiled.
- Project options are now properly applied when not changing tabs in Project Options >> Compiler.
- New projects now properly use the global compiler set by default.
- Added two more themes. Credits go to Andrei Luca.
- Improved parsing speed somewhat.
- Improved startup time.
- Reduced the amount of clicks needed to change compiler options.
- Fixed numerous debugger bugs, most are related to watch variables.
- When a signal is received by gdb, Dev-C++ now suggests to open up CPU window.
- Fixed a lot more bugs.
- Fixed a bug in the code completion form that prevented the source from being compiled on fresh Delphi IDEs.
- Fixed an error in the relative path solver, making Dev-C++ fully portable again.
Important notices
- When you get errors on startup after upgrading, especially when Dev-C++ mentions 'TCppParser.Load', read this before commenting/reporting.
- This version has GCC built-in instead of being an aditional package. It also contains, among others, D3D9/10/11, GDI, Win32 and OpenGL headers and libraries in that flavor.
- For ultimate portable programming, please launch devcppPortable.exe located in the installation folder of the portable version. This launcher will tell Dev-C++ to save its configuration files in the same folder as the executable.
- If you're getting 'Unsupported compression method' errors when extracting the portable version, please update your archiving program. The archive uses LMZA2 compression, which was added to WinRAR 3.91 and 7zip 9.04 somwhere in 2009. The latter is just as free as Dev-C++, so nothing is holding you back to extract it.
- The setup which includes MinGW32 4.7.0 can be downloaded here (25MB).
- The setup which includes TDM-GCC x64 4.6.1 can be downloaded here (35MB).
- The setup which does not include a compiler can be downloaded here (2MB).
- The portable version which includes MinGW32 4.7.0 can be downloaded here (15MB).
- The portable version which includes TDM-GCC x64 4.6.1 can be downloaded here (25MB).
- The portable version which does not include a compiler can be downloaded here (2MB).
- Separate compilers can be downloaded here.
- Lastly, the source code can be found here (1MB).
All editions can run on 32-bit Windows.
All Dev-C++ editions can be updated using the No Compiler setups/zips.
Choosing between 32bit and 64bit
- The 64bit compiler will also run op 32bit computers. Not problem at all.
- The 64bit compiler can do everything the 32bit compiler can, including creating standard 32bit executables.
- The 64bit compiler can do stuff the 32bit compiler can't, like creating 64bit executables. It also comes with a lot more headers and libraries.
- There is no single reason to download the 32bit version except for maybe file size, marginally longer compiling time, or in case you have to use that specific compiler for any reason (regression problems for example).
- To force 32bit on all new projects and non-project compiles, go to Tools >> Compiler Options and select the 'TDM-GCC 32bit' profile. This profile will pass -m32 and use lib32 by default.
- To force 32bit on already created projects, go to Project >> Project Options >> Compiler and select the 'TDM-GCC 32bit' compiler profile.