Changes - Version - 27 December 2011
- This is the first version to fully support 64bit MinGW compilers! Just place one in a folder called 'MinGW64' next to devcpp.exe, Dev will automatically adapt itself to it!
- When launching for the first time, Dev-C++ will set defaults based on available 32bit or 64bit compilers (favors 64bit).
- The XP style manifest creator now also supports 64bit.
- The "Delete Profiling Information" button now does not check for the gmon.out file 60 times a second to keep itself updated.
- Compiler information in the log now does not show up twice when rebuilding a single file.
- Project files with dots in their names now do not confuse the executable namer anymore.
- One more update to the compiler progress window: the warning counter was positioned a bit too much to the right.
- Added formatting support for 'Sorry Unimplemented' and fixed up 'Unknown escape sequence'.
- The main form now properly maximises when not starting for the first time.
- The main form child windows now properly scale themselves when the 'Tip of the Day' window is shown.
- Slightly lowered startup times again.
- The code browser toolbar now also shows types and struct members.
- The code completer and code parser now use symmetric indices and _ID's, making them a lot faster.
- Code completion cache is now created a bit faster and is smaller.
- Updated the help file.
- The tooltip now always shows up when it is supposed to, even the first time.
- Added a new editor style called Classic Plus, which highlights symbols like { and (.
- The Code Completion Cache creator can now also be told to cache a selection of files.
- Updated MinGW32 to GCC 4.6.2. Added TDM-GCC 4.6.1 x64.
- Added updated Chinese translations by cin.getline.
- More stuff I forgot about.
Important notices
- The options format has changed. If you want to reuse an old pre- config file (NOT recommended), or, more importantly, when you're overriding Compiler Options in your project, you need to re-set these project settings once and save the project. You'll then have an updated project file.
- This version has GCC built-in instead of being an aditional package. It also contains D3D9/10/11, GDI, Win32 and OpenGL headers and libraries in that flavor.
- This version is now fully portable. If you also don't want Dev to leave anything behind in the registry, please select "Portable" or "Minimal" in the setup options.
- For ultimate portable programming, please launch devcppPortable.exe located in the main folder of the portable zip download. This will make dev save its configuration files in the same folder as the executable.
The setup can be downloaded here: 32bit or here: 64bit. The Portable zip version can be downloaded here: 32bit or here: 64bit. The source code can be found here.
The Beta 6 update can be found here. Its source code can be found here.

Guide to choose between 32bit and 64bit
- The 64bit compiler will also run op 32bit computers. Not problem at all.
- The 64bit compiler can do everything the 32bit compiler can, including creating standard 32bit executables.
- The 64bit compiler can do stuff the 32bit compiler can't, like creating 64bit executables. It also comes with a lot more headers and libraries.
- There is no single reason to download the 32bit except for maybe file size, marginally longer compiling time, or in case you have to use that specific compiler for any reason (regression problems for example).
- To force 32bit on all new projects and non-project compiles, go to Tools >> Compiler Options >> Settings >> Code Generation and set "Pointer Width" to 32bit.
- To force 32bit on already created projects, go to Project >> Project Options >> Compiler >> Code Generation and set "Pointer Width" to 32bit.
- Now open Tools >> Compiler Options >> Directories >> Libraries. Change the path ending with 'lib' to point to a folder called 'lib32' next to it.
- Done!
- Alternatively, one can create a 32bit and 64bit config based on one installation of TDM-GCC x64. Go to Tools >> Compiler Options and create a new set called TDM-GCC 4.6.1 32-bit for example. Copy all settings in the General tab from the x64 set. Then, for that compiler, set the settings described above to your 32-bit configuration. This way, you don't have to install two compilers!
For more information, please read the FAQ located here or in Dev-C++'s help file.
Problems / Upcoming changes / TODO
- TODO: Implement wxWidgets
- TODO: Finish work done on adding icons to tool menu items.