Changes - Version - 17 April 2012
- Fixed maximize not covering the whole screen correctly on netbook screens.
- Fixed some crashes regarding code folding.
- Code folding is a bit faster now.
- Opening files is a bit faster now.
- The tip of the day form now does not show up when toggling fullscreen.
- Panel resizers in the main form now hide when there's nothing to resize.
- Fixed a mulitple struct definition after '};' detection bug.
- Moved to a more recent SynEdit component.
- Symbol completion is faster and has more options now.
- Added a console pausing option to Environment options.
- Fixed a font color issue in the function argument tooltip.
- Added back trim trailing spaces.
- Completed symbols are now skipped more smartly.
- Windres is now, by default, forced to output i386 res files when compiling 32bit executables.
- Loading using the standard caching options is now 0.1 second faster.
- The Classes toolbar now hides variables of classes, making stuff a lot more readable.
- Project opening is now quite a bit faster.
- The SynEdit components in Editor Options now support code folding too.
- Code Folding is a bit faster now.
- DevCppPortable now accepts parameters and passes it to devcpp.exe.
- Dev-C++ now uses FastMM4 to manage its memory, making allocations faster!
- Fixed 'Close all but this' closing all tabs.
- The code tooltip now properly hides when opening new tabs.
- One can now edit text while using Incremental Search.
- Commas inside strings inside function parameters don't make Dev-C++ seperate arguments anymore.
- Added the user selectable font to all dialogs.
- Redesigned some dialogs.
- Simplified font selecting in Editor Options.
- The compile progress window can now be translated.
- Gutter colors are fixed: user themes can now properly modify its colors.
- Updated the Chinese (TW) translations (translated by cin.getline).
- Saved one fopen call per created tab in case you do not use default code snippets.
- Newly created files will now be properly rescanned for folds, preventing crashes when cutting from, copying from or pasting to untouched project code.
- The default code editor in Editor Options now retains focus when pressing tab.
- Some more fixes I forgot about.
Important notices
- The options format has changed. If you want to reuse an old pre- config file (NOT recommended), or, more importantly, when you're overriding Compiler Options in your project, you need to re-set these project settings once and save the project. You'll then have an updated project file.
- This version has GCC built-in instead of being an aditional package. It also contains D3D9/10/11, GDI, Win32 and OpenGL headers and libraries in that flavor.
- This version is now fully portable. If you also don't want Dev to leave anything behind in the registry, please select "Portable" or "Minimal" in the setup options.
- For ultimate portable programming, please launch devcppPortable.exe located in the main folder of the portable zip download. This will make dev save its configuration files in the same folder as the executable.
- If you're getting 'Unsupported compression method' errors when extracting the portable version, please update your archiving program. The archive uses LMZA2 compression, which was added to WinRAR 3.91 and 7zip 9.04 somwhere in 2009. The latter is just as free as Dev-C++, so nothing is holding you back to extract it.
The setup can be downloaded here: 32bit or here: 64bit. The Portable zip version can be downloaded here: 32bit or here: 64bit. The source code can be found here.
Beta/RC updates
The RC1 update can be found here. Its source code can be found here.
Guide to choose between 32bit and 64bit
- The 64bit compiler will also run op 32bit computers. Not problem at all.
- The 64bit compiler can do everything the 32bit compiler can, including creating standard 32bit executables.
- The 64bit compiler can do stuff the 32bit compiler can't, like creating 64bit executables. It also comes with a lot more headers and libraries.
- There is no single reason to download the 32bit version except for maybe file size, marginally longer compiling time, or in case you have to use that specific compiler for any reason (regression problems for example).
- To force 32bit on all new projects and non-project compiles, go to Tools >> Compiler Options >> Settings >> Code Generation and set "Pointer Width" to 32bit.
- To force 32bit on already created projects, go to Project >> Project Options >> Compiler >> Code Generation and set "Pointer Width" to 32bit.
- Now open Tools >> Compiler Options >> Directories >> Libraries. Change the path ending with 'lib' to point to a folder called 'lib32' next to it.
- Done!
- Alternatively, one can create a 32bit and 64bit config based on one installation of TDM-GCC x64. Go to Tools >> Compiler Options and create a new set called TDM-GCC 4.6.1 32-bit for example. Copy all settings in the General tab from the x64 set. Then, for that compiler, set the settings described above to your 32-bit configuration. This way, you don't have to install two compilers!