Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dev-C++ released

Time for another pile of bug fixes. I've also added a few features, like an updated set of built in compiler options and full file path hints when hovering above file tabs.

Changes - Version - 23 Juni 2012
  • Fixed the function argument tip not selecting the function with the right number of arguments first.
  • Fixed that tip showing in various wrong places.
  • Added x86 GDB executables to TDM-GCC x64.
  • Tooltip balloons are now only triggered by words with identifier colors, saving lots of CPU time.
  • Adding watch variables by hovering over words now only adds words with identifier colors.
  • Pressing Alt now does not cause static controls to vanish anymore.
  • This version should scale pictures better on high DPI settings.
  • Moved to a new selection of built in compiler options.
  • Added filename tooltips when hovering above tabs.
  • Closing using the middle mouse button is now only triggered when the mouse is hovering above a tab.
  • Moved to a new selection of built in compiler options.
  • Updated the chinese (TC) translations (by cin.getline).
  • Fixed editor options not applying function tip timer settings properly, causing crashes when typing.
  • Updated the greek translations (by migf1).
  • Various dialogs and buttons are now more spacious, allowing longer translations.
  • Double clicking on errors now always correctly shows the caret.

Important notices
  • This version has GCC built-in instead of being an aditional package. It also contains, among others, D3D9/10/11, GDI, Win32 and OpenGL headers and libraries in that flavor.
  • For ultimate portable programming, please launch devcppPortable.exe located in the installation folder of the portable version. This launcher will tell Dev-C++ to save its configuration files in the same folder as the executable.
  • If you're getting 'Unsupported compression method' errors when extracting the portable version, please update your archiving program. The archive uses LMZA2 compression, which was added to WinRAR 3.91 and 7zip 9.04 somwhere in 2009. The latter is just as free as Dev-C++, so nothing is holding you back to extract it.

  • The setup which includes MinGW32 4.6.2 can be downloaded here (25MB).
  • The setup which includes TDM-GCC x64 4.6.1 can be downloaded here (35MB).
  • The setup which updates only the IDE can be downloaded here (2MB).
  • The portable version which includes MinGW32 4.6.2 can be downloaded here (15MB).
  • The portable version which includes TDM-GCC x64 4.6.1 can be downloaded here (25MB).
  • The portable version which updates only the IDE can be downloaded here (2MB).
  • (New!) Separate compilers can be downloaded here.
  • Lastly, the source code can be found here (1MB).

All editions can run on 32-bit Windows.

All Dev-C++ editions can be updated using the IDE only setups/zips.

RC update
The 5.3 RC10 update can be found here. Its source code can be found here.

Choosing between 32bit and 64bit
  • The 64bit compiler will also run op 32bit computers. Not problem at all.
  • The 64bit compiler can do everything the 32bit compiler can, including creating standard 32bit executables.
  • The 64bit compiler can do stuff the 32bit compiler can't, like creating 64bit executables. It also comes with a lot more headers and libraries.
  • There is no single reason to download the 32bit version except for maybe file size, marginally longer compiling time, or in case you have to use that specific compiler for any reason (regression problems for example).
Compiling for 32bit using TDM-GCC x64
  • To force 32bit on all new projects and non-project compiles, go to Tools >> Compiler Options and select the 'TDM-GCC 32bit' profile. This profile will pass -m32 and use lib32 by default.
  • To force 32bit on already created projects, go to Project >> Project Options >> Compiler and select the 'TDM-GCC 32bit' compiler profile.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A quick note on 'officialness'

For some time now, thanks to the miracles of Google Analytics, I've been noticing some visitors and talkers about this Dev-C++ fork are complaining that's it's not official enough. Like, say, 'I'm not upgrading until an official Bloodshed version will be released'.

Well, I can tell you, that's not going to happen. You wouldn't want to know how many times I tried to get into contact with Colin Laplace (the old lead developer) and a few other developers associated with the old SourceForge project page. Why bother you ask? Well, is still the number one hit on Google, and this blog is not, which is one of the reasons why some Dev-C++ users still don't know of this fork. The old SourceForge page is a similar story.

Anyways, the old developers are gone. There won't be any new version released by them. But why bother waiting? What's the difference between them or I doing the coding and other stuff? Sure, it might take me a while longer to fix stuff, but still: what's the point of waiting for them to do the job?

Concluding: do yourself a favor and switch to Orwell Dev-C++ if you're still using the old versions!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

New bug tracker on SourceForge

Although it has been available for a while for testing purposes, an official bug tracker for this project on SourceForge is now open to the public. It can be viewed and used over here:

This will make bug reporting and response a whole lot easier, and will give me a lot more overview of what I've got to do at the moment.

Currently, a SourceForge account is required to create bug reports there, but you should be able to use your Google, OpenID and other accounts too. Although you can still report bugs in the comments or by emailing me, it is recommended to use the tracker now. This way, much more people will be able to comment on reported problems!