Monday, April 27, 2015

Dev-C++ 5.11 released

It's been a while again. Enjoy the new features. :)

Changes - Version 5.11 - 27 April 2015
  • Fixed crash related to double clicking on a compiler error when a selection was made.
  • Upgraded the default compiler to TDM-GCC 4.9.2.
  • Improved startup speed.
  • Fixed Abort Compilation button not working anymore.
  • Fixed crash in TCppParser.CheckForTypedefStruct.
  • Fixed crash in TCppParser.HandleEnum.
  • Fixed some typos in the English translation (thanks to Hiro5).
  • Updated the Catalan translation (thanks to Hiro5).
  • Updated the Czech translation (thanks to tringi).
  • Fixed some hiccups in the build process of Dev-C++ itself.

  • The setup which includes TDM-GCC 4.9.2 (32bit and 64bit) can be downloaded here (47MB).
  • The setup which does not include a compiler can be downloaded here (2MB).
  • The portable version which includes TDM-GCC 4.9.2 (32bit and 64bit) can be downloaded here (34MB).
  • The portable version which does not include a compiler can be downloaded here (2MB).
  • The latest tested compilers can be downloaded here.
  • Lastly, the source code can be found here (1MB). Alternatively, one can use git to clone any commit. Instructions can be found here.

Dev-C++ will automatically configure a 32bit and a 64bit compiler profile for you, and will select the 32bit profile if your computer does not support 64bit.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Dev-C++ 5.10 released

It's been a while. Enjoy the new features. :)

Changes - Version 5.10 - 11 March 2015
  • Improved startup speed.
  • Removed splash window.
  • Temporarily removed the web update window.
  • Rewrote the LangCheck tool that can be used to validate translation files.
  • Improved indent guides painting and positioning.
  • Removed full screen information bar.
  • Added GUI option for maximum line length option to AStyle > Formatter Options.
  • Fixed parameter mismatch in Chinese translation.
  • Fixed memory leak in Edit > Unindent.
  • Improved behaviour of Edit > Toggle Comment.
  • Improved opening speed of Tools > Compiler Options.

  • The setup which includes TDM-GCC 4.8.1 (32bit and 64bit) can be downloaded here (47MB).
  • The setup which does not include a compiler can be downloaded here (2MB).
  • The portable version which includes TDM-GCC 4.8.1 (32bit and 64bit) can be downloaded here (34MB).
  • The portable version which does not include a compiler can be downloaded here (2MB).
  • The latest tested compilers can be downloaded here.
  • Lastly, the source code can be found here (1MB). Alternatively, one can use git to clone any commit. Instructions can be found here.

Dev-C++ will automatically configure a 32bit and a 64bit compiler profile for you, and will select the 32bit profile if your computer does not support 64bit.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Dev-C++ 5.9.2 released

Fixed a few high priority bugs in 5.9.1.

Changes - Version 5.9.2 - 1 Februari 2015
  • Changed Format Current File shortcut from Shift+F to Shift+Ctrl+A.
  • Removed/Changed all default Alt+(Key) shortcuts because they interfere with Alt menu navigation.
  • Assigned some new default shortcuts like Ctrl+B (Open Containing Folder) and F2 (Rename File).
  • Fixed Show Makefile being executable when no compiler set is configured.

  • The setup which includes TDM-GCC 4.8.1 (32bit and 64bit) can be downloaded here (47MB).
  • The setup which does not include a compiler can be downloaded here (2MB).
  • The portable version which includes TDM-GCC 4.8.1 (32bit and 64bit) can be downloaded here (34MB).
  • The portable version which does not include a compiler can be downloaded here (2MB).
  • The latest tested compilers can be downloaded here.
  • Lastly, the source code can be found here (1MB). Alternatively, one can use git to clone any commit. Instructions can be found here.

Dev-C++ will automatically configure a 32bit and a 64bit compiler profile for you, and will select the 32bit profile if your computer does not support 64bit.

Dev-C++ 5.9.1 released

Fixed a few high priority bugs in 5.9.0.

Changes - Version 5.9.1 - 31 January 2015
  • Updated Tools >> Edit Shortcuts.
  • Removed Ctrl+Alt combination in default shortcuts to ensure that the AltGr button keeps functioning.
  • Fixed formatter options command line not showing up after first launch.
  • Added source LaTeX of testing document DevTest.pdf.
  • Widened the Menu >> Search >> Find window in order to accomodate longer translations.
  • Fixed a crash when launching for the first time with no compilers available.
  • Added last selection arrow to Find Results.
  • Fixed out of bounds error in TCppParser.HandleMethod.

  • The setup which includes TDM-GCC 4.8.1 (32bit and 64bit) can be downloaded here (47MB).
  • The setup which does not include a compiler can be downloaded here (2MB).
  • The portable version which includes TDM-GCC 4.8.1 (32bit and 64bit) can be downloaded here (34MB).
  • The portable version which does not include a compiler can be downloaded here (2MB).
  • The latest tested compilers can be downloaded here.
  • Lastly, the source code can be found here (1MB). Alternatively, one can use git to clone any commit. Instructions can be found here.

Dev-C++ will automatically configure a 32bit and a 64bit compiler profile for you, and will select the 32bit profile if your computer does not support 64bit.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dev-C++ 5.9.0 released

It's been a while. This time I present to you AStyle integration and vastly improved code parsing performance.

Changes - Version 5.9.0 - 24 January 2015
  • Added AStyle integration.
  • Remodeled Help >> About window.
  • When looking up a piece of code by Ctrl+Clicking the destination line is centered.
  • Removed caching from Tools >> Editor Options.
  • Widened the exception window.
  • Removed caching from the first-time configuration window.
  • Improved parsing progress messages in the status bar.
  • Improved performance of the classes list toolbar.
  • Improved function declaration/definition switching.
  • Significantly improved performance when selecting text.
  • Fixed parser error when parsing C-style cast of string constant.
  • Huge rewrite of code folding implementation.
  • Major improvements in typing responsiveness.
  • Major reduction in flickering during typing.
  • Around 40-50% reduction in memory usage per open file.
  • Fixed devcppPortable not passing files with spaces in names to devcpp correctly.
  • Improved performance when opening multiple files from explorer using Dev-C++.
  • Code completion does not show up anymore for periods typed as part of numbers.

  • The setup which includes TDM-GCC 4.8.1 (32bit and 64bit) can be downloaded here (47MB).
  • The setup which does not include a compiler can be downloaded here (2MB).
  • The portable version which includes TDM-GCC 4.8.1 (32bit and 64bit) can be downloaded here (34MB).
  • The portable version which does not include a compiler can be downloaded here (2MB).
  • The latest tested compilers can be downloaded here.
  • Lastly, the source code can be found here (1MB). Alternatively, one can use git to clone any commit. Instructions can be found here.

Dev-C++ will automatically configure a 32bit and a 64bit compiler profile for you, and will select the 32bit profile if your computer does not support 64bit.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

About the recent claims of viruses in devcppPortable.exe

Recently, a lot of reports of antivirus programs marking the file devcppPortable.exe as a virus/trojan/unwanted program have surfaced. I can assure you that the files you download from SourceForge do NOT contain any of that.

To prove my statement, let us check the source code of devcppPortable.exe. It can be found in the Source\Tools\DevCppPortable folder in the source zip files provided here or in the Git repo here.

Let's walk through the code step by step:
#include <windows.h>
#include <Shlwapi.h>
#include <string>
using std::wstring;
The included files are unchanged versions of the ones found in TDM-GCC 4.8.1.
int main() {
int ArgumentCount = 0;
wchar_t** ArgumentInput = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(),&ArgumentCount);
wstring ArgumentsToDev = L"-c .\\config ";
for(int i = 1;i < ArgumentCount;i++) {
  ArgumentsToDev += '\"';
  ArgumentsToDev += ArgumentInput[i];
  ArgumentsToDev += '\"';
  if(i != ArgumentCount - 1) {
    ArgumentsToDev += ' ';
Over here, devcppPortable builds a string ArgumentsToDev which consists of the -c command that tells devcpp.exe to store its configuration files elsewhere AND the commands that have been passed to devcppPortable. Think of files that are dragged onto devcppPortable.exe in explorer or Auto-Open binds that use devcppPortable. All it does is forward these commands to devcpp.exe
wchar_t CurrentDirectory[32768];
Over here, the directory where devcppPortable is located is stored in array CurrentDirectory.
int Result = (INT_PTR)ShellExecuteW(
  NULL, // no parent window
  L"open", // open the file
  L"devcpp.exe", // the file to open
  ArgumentsToDev.c_str(), // extra parameters to pass
  CurrentDirectory, // use the current directory
  SW_SHOWNORMAL // activate and display window
if(Result <= 32) {
  switch(Result) {
      MessageBoxW(NULL,L"devcpp.exe",L"File not found",MB_OK);
    default: {
      MessageBoxW(NULL,L"An unspecified error has occured!",L"Error",MB_OK);
return 0;
Lastly, devcpp.exe is launched using the provided arguments and using the current directory using the not-so special ShellExecute function.

In other words, this file is harmless. My educated guess as to why this file is marked as an unwanted file is that real unwanted files (especially trojans) exhibit the same behaviour. They also function as hosts that execute external code. Since devcppPortable exhibits the same behaviour, the scanner will think "Hey, this program shows behaviour similar to the other million trojan files in our database. Let's tell the user it is one too to be sure".

What can you do as a user? Please report devcppPortable.exe as a false positive.

Happy new year!

Happy new year! (Yes, I'm still working on Dev-C++)